Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fool's Day

Hope everyone made it through April Fool's Day without getting got. I didn't even try to put one over on John. I've only gotten him once in the 24 years I've known him. Sean almost had us convinced that there was an Angry Birds cartoon premiering on the WB tomorrow at 7am but then he started laughing. He's gotta work on his poker face. LOL

We got Sean's school assignment for next year. We were hoping he would be able to go to Alice Vail Middle School but he won't be. He'll be going to Utterback which is the home school. He didn't want to go there for several reasons but I think he'll actually wind up liking it as it is a fine arts magnet. He didn't want to go there because his girl and many of his other friends are going to Vail. Also he didn't want to go there because it's right across the street from the school where I used to work so he is familiar with that neighborhood. He doesn't know of anybody who is going there as the kids from  his school mostly go to Vail or to Naylor which is the home school for the area of the school where he currently goes. He isn't in the home school for where we live now as we crossed the line when we moved but kept him in the same school. His best friend is going to a completely different school that wasn't even on our radar. We're actually kind of glad they are getting separated. We like the boy but he is the root of much upheaval in our household. We just recently realized the extent of it and now Sean is starting to see it too. I think it will be good for him to have a fresh start. It's definitely a different environment than he's used to but he'll make friends. The school itself is very good and is one of the best-funded in the district so that's a good thing.

Not much else going on in our corner of the world. Time to get off here as it is quite late. Hope everybody has a wonderful weekend.


Mel said...

B managed to get both of us. She tied the water sprayer in our temp apt so when T turned it on he got sprayed, she locked the fridge ice machine on me and I was getting mad til she told me it was locked...I didn't even think to check that button. She also got me with a fake spider she attached to the wall...oh, and the water dispenser in the fridge, she turned the spout upside down so when it was pushed the water sprayed up all over instead of into your cup. LOL Stinker!

Wilma said...

Wow! She's quite the little prankster. I got my mother with a plastic spider in the hallway when I was about 9 and am extremely lucky to be alive to tell the tale. LOL

karen said...

We don't really do April Fool's around my house. I guess nobody is really into it. One of my TA's at work was getting people right and left! I don't really like getting pranked, so don't do it to others. Too bad about the school but it sounds like it will really turn out OK. New things are hard, especially for the kids! A busy day here. Went through all the clothes for the kids and then did some shopping for needed items for the trip. Home now and watching the Red Sox screw up. Sigh....

Wilma said...

We're not really much into it either. If we do it it's verbal. No physical pranks. More along the lines of trying to fool somebody about something.