Friday, January 28, 2011

He Really Should Start Believing Me

John owes me a Coke because I was right. I told him I would be. You'd think after almost 22 years married he'd have a little more faith in me. :) Here's the deal: Several years ago my Aunt Lucille passed away at the age of 95 or so. My dad was in her will but since he had already passed it went to me. Not a great sum as far as inheritances go but MAJOR to us, thank you so much my wonderful aunt. Anyway, last year in June, long after tax time, we got a form in the mail from my uncle for taxes. John has been stressing over this thing since June. I told him and told him to quit because it wasn't going to affect anything at all. Guess who was right? ME! The H&R Block lady even told him to start believing his wife. LOL

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